The Healing Table

sai6I love to do work at my healing table. Here is where I make sleep squares, which are small pieces of paper cut into a square, and then charged with various Sai Sanjeevini patterns, and placed in the pillow case of the person you pilloware healing. I make sleep squares for the whole family, each a little different. You could certainly charge up a beverage and drink it before bed, but I prefer the sleep squares because they provide a constant delivery of the formula all night, as your head lay on the pillow.

Each sleep square I make begins with combination #1 and #60, as do all the Sanjeevinis I make. Then add #144 sleep and we have a basic sleep formula. In my husband’s formula, I add the laundrypatterns for asthma and the marital bliss combination, and in mine I add nose, throat, respiratory, and blockages to curb snoring. I start with a small amber bottle filled with sugar pellets, and label the bottle, say, “Madeleine Sleep”, then charge my sample bottle with the appropriate combinations or single patterns, that I have predetermined to use. The labeled samples are keep in a plastic sorter box that is divided into rows of bins, sorted numerically. Now that I have my samples made up, we can create a remedy at a moment’s notice- I make new sleep squares easily, every time I do laundry!

Our dining room table is our triage area, with notebooks full of healing patterns, dowsing patterns, decagons, and Sai Sanjeevini transfer/broadcasting charts. We also keep an array of homeopathic remedies on hand, organized alphabetically, several pendulums and crystals, amber bottles which I use for making Sanjeevini samples as well as for when I potentize a homeopathic remedy- all of which are often seen piled on to the table at one point or another.  This is where I dowse, potentize, and use other energy charts.  The healing table is also the gathering place for family dinners and holidays, and has always been. From Los Angeles where I bought the table and chairs in about nineteen eighty something, to 2 different locations in Pittsburgh, back to Los Angeles again, it has served me well.  Some of my happiest memories are of our family Passover Seders held every year, some bigger, some just the two of us, and always at our healing table.seder

They’re Back

holesHoles in my T shirts are back. My new  T shirt with lovely lace coputrmetrim is ruined by tiny holes, just below the navel. It’s been a re occurring problem, these holes.  I’ve been getting them in the same place, in the same fabric (cotton) for over 2 years now, and had to throw out most of my shirts.  My husband does not get them in his shirts- only my shirts, or shirts of his that I have worn. I have scoured the internet to get to the bottom of it, read about many accounts similar to mine, but not a logical explanation was to be found. I have heard weak reasons such as laundry soap, belt, seat belt, rough counter tops, Monsanto cotton, and even course belly button hair! But I buy none of them.

pendulum1I dowsed to see if the cause of the holes were entities and the answer was yes. I tried to connect with the entity via my pendulum and I asked if it was making the holes, “Yes”. Then I asked if the holes nourished it, “No.” Then I asked if it would stop making the holes, “No.” Lastly, I asked that, if it was allowed to stay, would it stop making the holes, “Yes.” I closed the communication and continued dowsing, asking my pendulum if the entity would stop making the holes,”No.” NO? Well then, we best try to attempt to clear the entity using my pendulum and I asked it to point to the ‘ready for question’ spoke on the dowsing wheel when the clearing was complete, and it did.                                                                                 broadcast

For those of you who are new to dowsing, let me explain…Just as radios pick up information from unseen radio waves, the pendulum is a powerful antenna that receives information from the vibrations and energy waves emitted by people, places, thoughts and things.

enisteinNoted physicist Albert Einstein was known to perform impressive feats with dowsing tools. He believed that it had to do with electromagnetism: just as birds migrate following the earth’s magnetic field, dowsers react to energies that are unseen and still not fully understood. Some people say that the pendulum creates a bridge between the logical and intuitive parts of the mind.

Some say that the pendulum connects them with a higher power and call it “divining” as the information is believed to come from a divine source. Research by many scientists indicates that the pendulum responds to electromagnetic energy that radiates from everything on Earth. No one knows for sure how the pendulum works, but the important thing is that it does work! As Thomas Edison is said to have replied when asked about electricity: “I don’t know what it is, but it’s there, let’s use it.” Other famous dowsing advocates in history include Leonardo De Vinci (inventor), Robert Boyle (father of modern chemistry), Charles Richet (nobel prize winner), and General Patton (U.S. Army).

I use dowsing for everything from balancing my groceries, to selecting a remedy, to finding a lost item. It has become an indispensable tool in managing my health and wellness,  and  just in my every day living. One incredible gift- dowsing.giftift

A Healing Day

save the worldNot a day goes by without having to heal, counsel, or try to save the world, and the same goes for my husband. Who would have imagined life would take us to this state, to this field, to this consciousness. good morningIn our family, we place our morning drinks on a Sai Sanjeevini prayer pattern to start our day. These are combinations of various patterns, custom made for each person. I place my morning coffee on mine, and find myself wearing my inner smile.

Today is my day off from my fund raising job. And it’s gonna be a healing day-

  • Brandi still has a little blood in her urine- going back to Graphites which I dowsed for and and which with we had great success. I have plenty of pellets on hand in both 6c and 30 c. Here Brandi…
  • Alison has sore teeth. Yes, sore teeth when she bites down. Jimmie dowsed and got Mag phos. After about 6 doses of 30c she stopped complaining, and when asked about her teeth she said “much better”. I am also making a Sai Sanjeevini sleep square for her pillow case.
  • I have added a blood pressure element to Jimmie’s Sai Sanjeevini mega remedy- I do believe the pressure of his job contributed to his condition, but we have that covered. He, also has a sleep square.
  • For me, it’s Rux tox for my for feet, and paper doctor ‘tired feet’ which I carry everywhere I go. When I feel the pressure of life, I feel it my chest. Ignatia 30c has been a mainstay all over mind tonic remedy for me which removes the chest pain and lets me breathe. I also need Fragaria vesca for the teeth grinding issue.

blessingIt is a very good thing, and a blessing to be sure, to have the ability to be able to pendulum1dowse for the correct remedy, and then potentize it, whenever a need arises.  Not only have we saved hundreds of hours spent in travel and appointment time seeking out doctors, but probably thousands of dollars on services and medicines, not to mention the thousands saved on health insurance which we  never carry, unless it is offered free on the job.


Great Questions

Sometimes I get redundant or lack luster questions and search terms, but here are some that I consider very relevant…

2bsa immunization waiver- I am thrilled to know that some moms out there are not vaccinating their kids. Here is a link to an very informative article I wrote on vaccinations, along with the exemption request form…

stwtrastrawberry tincture kills mrsa- This is new to me but not surprising, if true. Here are some of the natural and very effective ways to kill the MRSA virus that I have verified…

Madeleine’s Protocol

little bookheroin 3 day rule- Heroin is serious business. I have to respect those with the honesty to share the ‘discipline’ of being a chipper, not because I in any way agree, but because it is life-saving information that is not taught in any drug treatment programs I know of. The Little Book is controversial yet these chippers supposedly make up the bulk of these users so perhaps we should explore it, if for nothing else than perspective.

marioMario Martinez neropsychologist- a modern hero to me. He teaches the mind body code and dispels the myths of pop psychology. He has a CD collection that everyone can benefit from. Here is a video he has on youtube…



schradionic trends for healing schizophrenia- Now we’re talking. Michael Schofield are you listening? I am guessing any experiments being done are in the closet or at least under the radar. To entertain the notion that schizophrenia can be cured or controlled by a radionics device would mean making a pardigm shift and throwing out conventional psychiatry and pharmacology as we know it, and it would be very bad for business.

cell saltstissue salts for dry eyes- my best advise about tissue salts is to just take the 12 in combination, called Bioplasma. I am sure everyone can benefit from all of the 12, in some way but if you want to be specific, Sodium chloride and Silica are the tissues salts recommended for dry eyes.

pendulum1bach flowers for heroin withdrawal- I always think of Bach flowers more for mentals, and homeopathy for both mental and physical. For heroin withdrawals, try  sipping on Aconite water all day, try Nux Vomica, mega doses of vitamin C, Sai Sanjeevini prayer patterns, radionics tones or charts to clear noxious energy, and if you are so lucky to know a dowser/healer, ask them to draw the pain and toxins out of your body, via their pendulum.

Busy Potentizing

I’ve been busier than usual with my daughter home, job, husband, blog, and healing. Everyone ear1needs a remedy it seems, me included. Jimmie’s left ear is stuffed up. I dowse and get Coca (mountaineer’s remedy) and he gets immediate relief from my potentized 30c Coca.

Alison has a girl11bad stomach, especially in the morning. Jimmie selected Arcenicum 1m using a more conventional rubric and his knowledge of homeopathic remedies. I then potentized the Arcenicum and the stomach improves about 45 minutes after she sips it.

After seeing the dentist grindingand finding out I grind my teeth, I then dowse for a remedy and get Fragaria vesca, which I potentized and have been taking. I feel less tension in the mouth and less need to grind. And so it goes. I cannot remember the last time I bought a homeopathic remedy- it could be years by now. I take pride in my ability to dowse for the correct remedy and potentize it, spot on.

sai1Our healing notebooks are neatly organized by modality and labeled, and we make sure to keep an ample supply of amber bottles, sugar pellets, plastic sleeves, labels, sea salt, and black pens on hand. There is always a Sai Sanjeevini transfer chart set up on the healing table, for anyone of us to quickly make a remedy at any time, and no groceries get put away until balanced. These practices have become second nature to us-                                     it’s a family

Talk To The Tick

When I first began learning about the electromagnetic spectrum and using my pendulum (almost 3 years ago), I read something interesting about someone fixing toasters, computers and the like, using the pendulum. It prompted me to try an experiment on my car whose air pendulum1conditioning was running weak, using my pendulum to balance and repair the a/c in my vehicle. I did manage to increase the cold air flow in the car and to this day have not needed to have the a/c checked. How was that possible? Because the car, myself (or my intention to repair the a/c), and my pendulum all have electromagnetic energy, and my pendulum is able to read my intention and balance or calibrate the car, according to the rate of my intentions, adjusting the undulations of the electromagnetic field of the air conditioning. I hope this makes sense.

I had forgotten about using my pendulum in such a fashion, probably because there was no need to repair any mechanical devices, until now. Lately I’ve been having acceleration issues with the same car- hesitation, lunging, and stalling. Actually the car has been acting upfor several months now , but I have been avoiding addressing it, not wishing to take the time out to get an evaluation at the repair shop nor spend the money inevitably in the cards,but has gotten to a point where I can no longer ignore it.  I wrote on my list of things to do;

“take car into Tony (our mechanic)”

brigihht ideasOh wait just a minute, I got a bright idea. Why not try to repair the acceleration problem with my pendulum? Why not… Alison and I got into the  car planning to do some errands and we decided I should give it a try. I left my pendulum in the house, but Alison had hers which she handed to me. I immediately got to work directing my pendulum to repair and balance the acceleration problem in my car. It only took a few minutes for the pendulum to circle and circle and finally point to the ‘yes’, which is it’s signal to me that the task is complete.                                                                                                                                        car

Was this an authentic repair?  We shall see when we drive. We pulled out of the garage without the car lunging or losing power, and had smooth sailing all the way. Really? I’m bursting with pride and a little full of myself after this great feat!!!! Let’s see if we can we push the envelope a little further…

brandiOur dog Brandi has been having an ongoing urinary problem, including blood in the urine. We have used a array of remedies which hold for a short time (such as arnica and berberis), but not for the long haul. Jimmie had read about ticks burrowing in and releasing toxins into the dog’s system while they feed on the blood. Ew. We had tried to get a tick out a few months ago but the head may still be lodged in her back, still feeding and doing damage. Ew. We can either extract tickithe tick or try reasoning with it. I got this idea about communicating with it from a fellow dowser from France, who suggested something similar in reference to getting entities to stop making holes in my t shirts. Reason with them- tell them they can stay around as long as they stop making the holes. I ran the idea by Jimmie, who then picked up his pendulum to try to make contact with the tick (the tick’s higher self). The tick resisted making contact but at last communication was opened up. Jimmie asked the tick to stop feeding on Brandi. Adamantly “No”. Then he asked the tick to stop releasing the toxins into Brandi’s system.  “Yes.” Will the tick stop making Brandi sick with it’s toxins?

It is now the next morning, and Brandi’s urine was blood free, but we will be keeping close tabs on the situation to see if the tick will keep his (or her) word.  In all likely hood the tick is going to have to go, toxins or not, word or not, but first I will give it a week or 2 to see the result of the experiment. The proof will be in Brandi’s urine, and I will be                                                                           keep

Your Questions Just Keep Coming

Your search terms tell me your health issues and concerns, which I love to comment on, and clarify…

oil pullingoil pulling and heptitis c- Well yes of course as my daughter said “If it pulls toxins it will pull the hep c toxins too”, so swish on.

tap waterwhat they don’t want you to know about drinking water- Tons! The energy plants (coal fire, nuclear) dump ash, sludge, arsenic, boron, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, and selenium in our rivers and lakes, which all have infused with many of our waters throughout the world.

bioplasmacombining cell salts ok? Absolutely, in fact the 12 cell salts are sold in a combination called ‘Bioplasma’.

pendulum1pendulum use for calming livestock- Hmmmmmm interesting and smart use of the pendulum, and I don’t see why not.

vitcmega doses of vitamin c kill parasites- Vitamin C is known to kill fungi, viruses, bacteria, and yes, parasites.

dog1occicillium for dogs? I personally could find no reference of that remedy being given to dogs, but  remedies can be used across the board between species- arnica for injury, aconite for fear, berberis for kidney, etc.

honeyraw honey and cinnamon formula for infertility- So they say. cinnamonYunani and Ayurvedic Medicine have been using honey for thousands of years to strengthen the semen of men. If a man was impotent he would regularly take two tablespoons of honey before going to bed, and his problem would be solved. In Far-East countries, women who do not conceive take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half teaspoon of honey and apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the body. And here is a story…There was a couple in Maryland who were reported to have had no children for the 14 years they had been together, and had lost hope of having a child of their own. When they were told about this process, both husband and wife started taking honey and cinnamon as stated above and the wife conceived after a few months and delivered full term twins!                                                             twins

You Search, I Respond

I use your search terms to try to clarify your health concerns and questions…

swish3oil pulling joint pain- this method boasts relief from joint pain and arthritis, however, I personally have not felt this benefit. But I’ve had great benefit in my mouth and teeth. For more about oil pulling and a full list of cures, go to


cell saltscell salt for dry eyes – sodium chloride and silicia will help you with your dry eyes. Dissolve under your tongue or add to your water supply. For herbal eye preparations and more about eye wellneness go to


aggressiveaconite 30c for fear aggressive dogs- aconite is indeed an excellent remedy for fear (even for fearful dogs) however, I think it appropriate to be at least wary of an aggressive dog. Just to let you know, I gave aconite to my dog and cat when traveling and it immediately calmed both down.


colmrsa vitamin c, colloidal silver kills mrsa, goldenseal mrsa, acai kill mrsa– yes, they all kill MRSA.  See Madeleine’s Protocol for a very complete natural approach to dealing with MRSA.


pendulum1do heroin use dowsing- If this person is asking if heroin users dowse, I do know at least one heroin user who does, but logic tells me and by the law of averages, at least some dowsers use heroin, and some heroin users dowse. I scoured the internet, and honestly, my blog was the only one I found that mentioned dowsing and heroin in the same article, nor have I ever read or heard anywhere about using dowsing as a tool in treating addiction, aside from my own comentary.

boycout soboy scouts immunization exemption- you will find it in my blog referenced below- good job mom. I cannot underline strongly enough that one of my biggest regrets in life was vaccinating my daughter.                                           form


walnutwalnut flower essence curse walnut1breaker- this inquirer wants a ‘curse’ breaker and the Bach flower Walnut is considered a ‘link’ breaker (same same), as per it’s definition; Fear major life changes and are in need of protection from the influences of others- the ‘Link Breaker’. Oversensitive to strong outside influences for any major physical or emotional changes in life (teething, puberty, changing jobs or houses). Protection against psychic or cosmic influences – feels insecure. For deep-seated negative patterns or habits, or for breaking family ties. Over-sensitive to others.

Respect For The Dentist

dentistAs I have said before, I have a history of bad and unnecessary dental work, as well as some problems about a year old stemming from a bridge not adhering to the cement and would not stay in, and thus have great suspicion when it comes to the dentist. My mouth had been in poor condition as well- pockets were deep, gums were spongy, teeth were loosening and becoming crooked, and I felt disturbing ‘activity’ deep below the roots. Determined to do something about the poor condition of my mouth, I began oil pulling which I have been doing for several months now.  When I first started my regime, I also listened to a tone to reduce the bacteria  using my digital radionics software. My overall oral health has  greatly improved and I now consider it to be good, so at this time I decided to go to a holistic dentist to attempt once again to have the bridge cemented in, feeling that with a better oral condition the bridge will be more likely to stay.

I met Dr. Yokoyama today and was delighted. I told him about my dental nightmares spanning 30 years, and how oil pulling had dramatically changed my oral condition. Surprisingly he knew all about oil pulling, but preferred coconut oil to my sesame! I was immediately impressed. Because I have always been so darn conservative with x rays, I consented to 2, using a low radiation digital set up, and of course I was draped in a protection apron. Dr. Yokoyama was most considerate in listening, sharing, and generally partnering with me as I love to do with the professionals I choose. Further, he apologized to me on behalf of all dentists, for the crap dental work my mouth represents.

Outstanding- he has agreed to re-cement the bridge for a reasonable fee. But before he got started he did offer as an option, an extravagant surgery involving removing the 2 roots (which are now just hollow toxic cesspools) and putting something else in, but to me, it was a big NO. Ok now letsox get started. First a stream of oxygenated water was squirted in my mouth to kill the bacteria. Thanks Doc for telling me about this. I later read that when used on skin it reduces wrinkles and when you drink it, it makes your heart and muscles work better. Oh my gosh, I just realized my husband’s water vortex creates just such oxygenation. I’ll have to use it more often now, and must remember to tell the dentist we have been using oxygenated water at home, all this time. “You’re doing great”  said my new dentist as he pressed the bridge in.” Thank you, so are you, I replied”.

Now the cementing is complete but there is still something I need to deal with. Dr. Yokoyama tells me I grind my teeth, and this can rock the bridge loose. He suggested a plastic guard that slips on to be worn at night to soften grinding, which sounded like a good plan, but better yet, I will be selecting a remedy to calm my nerves and reduce or quell altogether, the grinding. ”Who prescribes your homeopathy” the dentist asked. “I do” said I, but did not disclose my rubrics.

pen2After returning home, I dowsed for the best remedy to help me stop grinding my teeth. I dowse for the number of the best remedy, from a list of 151 remedies. “Show me the number of the remedy that will best end my teeth grinding.”  My pendulum chose #60,  Fragaria vesca, better know as Wild Strawberry. Hmmmmmm… never used it- I’ll look it up.  Fragaria Vesca is used for softening and removing tartar and dental plaque off teeth…let me read further. Fragaria is used to calm and cool the liver, intestines, and stomach. In addition, the leaves and roots  tighten loose teeth and treat gum disease. Lastly I read “ it is an affordable over-the-counter solution for teeth grinding”. Wow, could there have been a better remedy selection? It is interesting to note that in my internet search I found the word ‘fragmentise’ (close to fragaria) which means bray, mash, crunch, grind – reduce to small pieces or particles by … a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together or “grate one’s teeth in anger”.

Since I do not have this remedy in any of my remedy kits, I’ll have to potentize but that’s no problem becausedec I have everything I need- white paper, black pen, salt water, a crystal glass of spring water, and a decagon.  Write the remedy and dose in capitals, on a small piece of white paper. Dip in salt water and let dry.  Then place it on the decagon and put your crystal glass of water on top.  Let potentize 2 hours and voila, FRAGARIA VESCA 10C. It will be ready by bedtime which is the time to take it, per my pendulum of course.

Putting Mother Nature To Work

Last week I went outside to inspect my plants, and found, to my horror, aphids (tiny insects) had colonized along the stalks and undersides of the leaves. Oh no, not in my garden. I’m no expert but like to become one whenever a new condition arises that I know nothing of, so I begin reading and researching, and of course, experimenting.

First, I clipped off an insect infested leaf and photographed it with the intention of using it for a broadcast on my digital radionics software, but had trouble sending the pic to my computer. My intention was to irradiate the aphids but I didn’t want to get the experiment started without the picture of the actual aphids, not just any aphids. Days passed without getting the picture transferred from my cell phone camera to my computer. I checked the plant again. Many of the aphids had disappeared (probably due to my intention) but not all of them. I better get started with plan B, least I loose the plant.

Having had a bout with nasty roaches, I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve. First tried spraying the pendulum1bottleaphids with a catnip tea solution I had already made up. The spray acted like a fire hose to them, knocking many off, and I figured that the ones left probably didn’t like cat nip. Then I took the leaf I had picked a week ago, and put it on the decagon, with a paper that said “REMOVE INSECTS FROM LEAVES” (previously dipped in salt water and dried). I also used my pendulum and asked that all insects from the plants be removed, allowing my pendulum to swing over the decagon. I must say, I did not get a good result from anything so far, so have moved on to using a 1/50 solution of dish soap and water to be sprayed on the under side and stalks of the plant, and I am determined to upload my the picture of the aphids and broadcast, according to my original plan.

In the meantime, here are some safe and simple things you, and mother nature can do to get rid of aphids;

  • By hand- Prune off heavily infested areas and dispose of them to reduce the population.
  • Water Jet- A simple and effective way of getting rid of aphids is to spray your plants with a jet of water. The water will knock the aphids off and they will generally die before they can climb back onto the plant. For the water jet method to be effective you need to spray your plant regularly 3 to 4 times a week or until the aphids are completely gone.
  • Natural Insecticides- Boil 5 large cloves of garlic and a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a liter of water for 40 minutes. Strain it and when it is cool use a mister bottle to spray it onto your plants. Or you might try the 1/50 soap and water solution. Here is another; Mix one cup of any type of vegetable oil with 3 cups of warm water and add half a teaspoon of dish washing liquid. Spray using a mister bottle. The oil will clog the aphids’ pores and suffocate them (or you can rub vegetable oil directly on affected leaves).
  • Natural predators- You can put mother nature to work for you by encouraging ladybirds and lacewings to make your garden their home. Some garden stores actually sell these helpful insects. Both of them feed on aphids and will help destroy those bugs before they can become a problem.

ladybird lacewings

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